Apple discontinues Cinema Display 24-inch and 30-inch.

Yesterday Apple introduced the new 27-inch LED Cinema Display which we think is an amazing upgrade to their product line-up, however today we found out that the beauty came with a price tag, Apple has decided to discontinue the 24- and 30-inch displays.

Honestly we were a little disappointed in this news since we find the 30-incher to be an amazing display, with a perfect size for those serious about photo and movie editing. The bright point in all of this is that according to Apple vice president of hardware marketing, David Moody, if you want Appleā€™s biggest display, you still have an opportunity to buy it: Apple will continue to sell the 24- and 30-inch Cinema Displays until their stock runs out.

Apple releases 27-inch LED Cinema Display

cinema display

It has really been a long time since Apple last updated the Cinema Display, but finally today is the day, Apple added a new 27-inch LED model that will ship later this year. With its 2560 x 1440 resolution, your pixels will enjoy 60% more elbow room than on the 24-inch LED model.

In addition to the extra real estate, this model offers an iSight camera, mic and speakers, plus a powered USB 2.0 hub (3 ports) and MagSafe connector to charge your laptop. The display includes ambient light sensor, which adjusts the display’s brightness in response to the light in a room.

We can’t wait for this new screen which is slated to hit stores in September for US$999. It is important to remember that the display will require a Mac with a Mini DisplayPort in order to work.

27-inch iMac gets delayed shipping dates but why?


If you are looking to buy the new 27-inch iMac then you may be out of luck, because this is Apple’s latest hard-to-find product, so hard to find that shipping on new orders have been delayed by two weeks. Now one would think that this would be good news for Apple, this article will show that it really depends on who you ask.

Apple launched the 27-inch iMac in October, when it overhauled its all-in-one line with new sizes and better specs. Last week, the company delayed shipments by two weeks. Computerworld reports that other retailers have followed suit. Mac Connection, and are among the authorized Apple resellers that won’t have the 27-inch iMac in time for Christmas.

While Apple says that the delays on this unit is due to high demand for the all-in-one desktop computer, which is also Apple’s largest model yet. “The new iMac has been a huge hit and we’re working hard to fulfill orders as quickly as possible,” Apple’s official statement says. “We apologize for any inconvenience or delay in delivery this may cause our customers.”

However if you listen to the online chatter on different user forums, then the issues actually lie elsewhere, people have been reporting about cracked screens as well as flickering displays. Of course Apple are sparse with details about these problems, however some experts are now saying the underlying reason for these issues all relate to ATI’s graphics cards.

If you absolutely must have the iMac by then, MacMall’s Web site says the iMac “usually ships within 5 to 7 business days,” and New York retailer B&H has the quad-core 27-inch iMac in stock. However we would really recommend, that you wait a few weeks if possible and then hopefully Apple will have fixed these issues.